Atlas- Retail Real Estate Retail Business

Retail Real Estate.

We provide a wide variety of real estate representation within the retail specialty all around the upper Midwest. Although the majority of our business orbits the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area, we also extend to the Dakotas, Nebraska, and Wisconsin. Retail is our grid. Whether representing a national box retailer, local restaurant, or owner-landlord, our history in retail provides a wealth of expertise from all sides of a transaction.

Long-term client relationships are our goal. The better we know you, the better we represent you. Our edge is in our relationships.

It is our highest priority to provide you with a strategic partner. There is thoughtful direction and discernment behind every recommendation. Each real estate transaction comes with a unique set of details, and all have the potential to impact the outcome. We give intuitive insight to each one, and weigh them against the specific goals of each client.

Expect a high level of value placed on your real estate objectives. It is our privilege to promote and steward that which you have put in our hands.

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